
主讲人:Lorna Uden




报告人简介(Reporter introduction)

Prof. Lorna Uden is Emeritus Professor of IT systems in the school of Computing, Engineering and Technology at Staffordshire University.  She has published widely in conferences, journals, chapters of books and workshops.  Her research interests include Learning Technology, Web Engineering and Technology, Human Computer Interaction, Groupware, Activity Theory, big data,  innovation , E-business, Knowledge management, E-government, Semantic web, Web services ,  big data, service innovation, social media, Service Science, Internet of Things (IOT), intelligent transport systems and Problem-Based Learning (PBL).  

Professor Uden is program committee member for many international conferences and workshops. She is on the editorial board of several international journals. She is founder and editor in chief of the International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET) and the International Journal of Learning Technology (IJLT), published by Inderscience, UK.

Professor Uden is also visiting professor to universities in Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Finland, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, South Africa, Taiwan and West Indies. . She has been keynote speaker at many international conferences. On the international front, she collaborates widely with colleagues worldwide in paper writing. She is the founder of the KMO and LTEC conferences. Professor Uden is also the conference chair of KMO2019 and LTEC 2019.  



Why Problem Based Learning?


How can I get my students to think and learn effectively?” is a question often asked by lecturers, regardless of their discipline. The ability to think critically and reason about curricula content, plus the ability and motivation to learn independently throughout one's life is becoming increasingly important. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is any environment in which the problems drive the learning. According to Barrows (1992), the main goals of PBL are to develop students' thinking or reasoning skills and to help the students become independent, self-directed learners.

If PBL is so good for learning, why isn't everyone doing it? Possibly fear of the unknown and lack of resources. Using PBL requires teachers to change their role from being the centre of attention and resource of all knowledge to being the coach and facilitator for the acquisition of that knowledge. The learning becomes student-centred, not teacher-centred. PBL is extremely beneficial for research students. The talk introduces participants to PBL and the benefits thereof.  The author describes her experiences of using PBL and the outcomes of the students and how it affects students’ careers.


How to conduct Academic research


Research is important part of all academic life. Although research is important, challenging, interesting and stimulating, many academies find research daunting and difficult.   The main reason is that they do not understand how to conduct academic research effectively.

 The author will share with the audiences her experiences of research from the perspectives of an author as well as from the editor of two international journals. It is the desire of the author that audiences will be inspired and learn from this talk.


Transforming the stakeholders’ Big Data to values


Big Data represents a key new type of economic asset that is now permeating all the areas of companies. It has become a strategic factor in organizations’ competitiveness and also radically changing the world, affecting the daily lives of individuals, companies, and public institutions. Despite the potentials benefits of big data in organisations, there is very little knowledge how to transform the stakeholders’ big data into values that can be used in organisations. The paper defines a conceptual framework for transforming Big Data into organizational value by applying principles from Service Science and Activity Theory.

The proposed framework harnesses the power of Big Data, collectively created by the engagement of multiple stakeholders based on the concepts of service ecosystems, using Activity Theory. An example from the intellectual capital management is used to show how the framework can be used to transform Big Data into organizational values for entrepreneurial universities. It shows how the process of value creation on the basis of a set of critical dimensions can be useful to identify goals, main actors and stakeholders, processes and motivations. The use of this framework can  also be applied in other fields.

20181115日(周下午14:00 一号学院楼140

Design Software ecosystems from service science perspectives


A recent development within software engineering is the emergence of software ecosystems.  It implies a shift of focus from the internals of the software organization (the individual organism) towards its environment and the relations and actions within (the ecosystem). Software ecosystems (SECOs) are an effective way to construct large software systems on top of a software platform by composing components developed by actors both internal and external.  The software engineering is spread outside the traditional borders of software companies to a group of companies, private persons, or other legal entities.

Software ecosystems (SECO) refer to the set of businesses and their interrelationships in a common software product or service market. Although SECO approach appears attractive and is gaining momentum, its higher complexity brings tough challenges for its design. For example, what factors need to be considered in order to succeed in a SECO? How can software vendors establish and sustain strong buyer-supplier relationships?

The author believes that by treating software design as a service system that provides values for the different stakeholders offers potentials for SECO design. This paper proposes a conceptual framework base on the service ecosystem from service science that can be used to design SECO using an from an e learning example.  


Writing Papers: How to get your paper accepted


There are many articles written on this topic by many different authors.  Many of these will have provided more details than I intend to here.  Having been asked to talk about how you can get a paper accepted for a journal, I will endeavour to bring together some thoughts from various sources that I consider relevant when writing a paper for submission to a journal.  By no means is this paper a definitive procedure for acceptance in a journal.  There are many different journals, each dealing with a specific topic and each having its own criteria for acceptance.  This paper is written as general guidelines based on the author’s experience of reviewing and editing papers.  It is by no means exhaustive.  The paper should only be used as general guidelines rather than a cookbook for paper writing.
