姓名 邵玄
男 讲师计算机应用系
个人简介: 2022年加入东华大学计算机科学与技术学院担任讲师。同济大学博士,导师为张林教授。主要研究方向为机器智能与自主感知。在读期间,以第一作者身份在中科院1区期刊、CCF-A国际会议等期刊和会议上发表高水平论文5篇,申请发明专利4项,获得博士生国家奖学金、同济大学优秀博士奖学金、同济大学优秀博士生等荣誉称号。担任IEEE RA-L、IEEE ICRA 2021和IEEE/RSJ IROS 2021、2022等机器人领域国际期刊和会议审稿人。参加国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点及面上、上海市科委面上、华为公司等多个项目,参与研究设计的环视系统标定方案和SLAM系统已应用于华为、上汽等项目中,相关开源代码与数据已被下载使用300余次。
研究方向: 机器智能与自主感知欢迎对该方向感兴趣的同学加入团队
讲授课程: 计算机组成与结构
[1] 环视泊车位检测系统及其关键技术研究, 华为技术有限公司, 2019.04-2020.04.
[2] 紧耦合多源传感器语义建图关键技术研究, 上海市教育委员会曙光计划项目, 2021.10-2024.10.
[3] 基于视觉的泊车位检测技术中关键问题的研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2020.01-2023.12.
[4] 城市韧性的在线跨尺度虚实融合模拟/预测/推演技术, 国家重点研发计划课题, 2020.10-2023.09.
[5] 基于深度神经网络的泊车位识别与人车识别, 上海汽车工业科技发展基金会项目, 2017.10-2018.12.
[1] Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, Tianjun Zhang, Ying Shen and Yicong Zhou, MOFISSLAM: A Multi-Object Semantic SLAM System with Front-view, Inertial and Surround-view Sensors for Indoor Parking, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(7), pp. 4788-4803, 2022. (中科院一区国际期刊,一作)
[2] Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, Tianjun Zhang, Ying Shen, Hongyu Li, and Yicong Zhou, A Tightly-coupled Semantic SLAM System with Visual, Inertial and Surround-view Sensors for Autonomous Indoor Parking, In Proc. ACM Int‘l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 2691–2699, 2020. (CCF-A国际会议,一作)
[3] Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, Dandan Zhu and Yicong Zhou, SLAM For Indoor Parking: A Comprehensive Benchmark Dataset and A Tightly-coupled Semantic Framework, ACM Trans. Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications. (Early Access) (CCF-B国际期刊,一作)
[4] Xuan Shao, Xiao Liu*, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, Revisit Surround-view Camera System Calibration, In Proc. IEEE Int‘l Conf. Multimedia and Expo, pp. 1486-1491, 2019. (CCF-B国际会议,一作)
[5] Tianjun Zhang, Nlong Zhao, Ying Shen, Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, and Yicong Zhou, ROECS: A Robust Semi-Direct Pipeline Towards Online Extrinsics Correction of the Surround-view System, In Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 3153-3161, 2021. (CCF-A国际会议,四作)
[6] Xinghua Liu, Jing Fan*, Ye Li, Xuan Shao and Ziliang Lai, Analysis of Integrated Uses of Dockless Bike Sharing and Ridesourcing with Metros: A Case Study of Shanghai, China,Sustainable Cities and Society, 82(103918), 2022. (Early Access) (中科院一区国际期刊,四作)
[1] 张林, 邵玄, 沈莹, 赵生捷. 一种面向室内泊车环境的定位和建图方法[P]. 上海: CN113781645A, 2021-12-10. (实质性审查)
[2] 刘潇, 张林, 沈莹, 邵玄, 张天骏. 车载环视相机系统中环视图亮度与颜色一致性调整方法[P]. 上海: CN110443771A, 2019-11-12. (实质性审查)
Name: SHAO Xuan
Bio: In 2022, he joined the School of Computer Science and Technology of Donghua University. The main research interests lie on machine intelligence and autonomous perception. He published over 10 high-level papers, applied for 4 invention patents, and won the honorary titles of National Doctoral Scholarship, Excellent Doctoral Scholarship of Tongji University, and Excellent Doctoral Student of Tongji University. He is also the reviewer of IEEE RA-L, IEEE ICRA 2021, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2021, 2022. He has participated in many projects such as national key research and development plans, key and general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, general projects of the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and Huawei. The calibration scheme and SLAM system that he has participated in research have been applied to projects such as Huawei and SAIC, and relevant open source code and data have been downloaded for more than 300 times.
Research Areas: Machine Intelligence and Autonomous Perception
Main Courses Taught: Computer Organization and Architecture
[1] Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, Tianjun Zhang, Ying Shen and Yicong Zhou, MOFISSLAM: A Multi-Object Semantic SLAM System with Front-view, Inertial and Surround-view Sensors for Indoor Parking, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(7), pp. 4788-4803, 2022.
[2] Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, Tianjun Zhang, Ying Shen, Hongyu Li, and Yicong Zhou, A Tightly-coupled Semantic SLAM System with Visual, Inertial and Surround-view Sensors for Autonomous Indoor Parking, In Proc. ACM Int‘l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 2691–2699, 2020.
[3] Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, Dandan Zhu and Yicong Zhou, SLAM For Indoor Parking: A Comprehensive Benchmark Dataset and A Tightly-coupled Semantic Framework, ACM Trans. Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications. (Early Access)
[4] Xuan Shao, Xiao Liu*, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, Revisit Surround-view Camera System Calibration, In Proc. IEEE Int‘l Conf. Multimedia and Expo, pp. 1486-1491, 2019.
[5] Tianjun Zhang, Nlong Zhao, Ying Shen, Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, and Yicong Zhou, ROECS: A Robust Semi-Direct Pipeline Towards Online Extrinsics Correction of the Surround-view System, In Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 3153-3161, 2021.
[6] Xinghua Liu, Jing Fan*, Ye Li, Xuan Shao and Ziliang Lai, Analysis of Integrated Uses of Dockless Bike Sharing and Ridesourcing with Metros: A Case Study of Shanghai, China,Sustainable Cities and Society, 82(103918), 2022. (Early Access)
Address: School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China
Office: Room 249, Building 1
Mail: shx@dhu.edu.cn