硕士生导师。本科就读于同济大学,随后本校直接攻读博士,并于2020年获得同济大学博士学位。在类脑智能,类脑交叉领域应用方向开展科研工作。在国内外高水平期刊和会议发表论文20余篇,成果发表于IJIS、IEEE Trans等重要国际期刊。主持中央高校专项资金项目1项,并参与了包括国家重点研发计划项目、国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项重大课题。在外担任SCI期刊Journal of Integrative Neuroscience客座编辑,CAAI会员。与海军工程大学、301医院、上海东方医院、天源迪科研究院、中国交通银行等多家单位具有多层次深入合作。欢迎有志攻读硕士的同学与我联系。
1. Zijian Wang, Haibo Shi, Yanting Zhang, and Cairong Yan. Recurrent Spiking Neural Network with Dynamic Presynaptic Currents Based on Backpropagation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. DOI:10.1002/int.22772 (SCI 1区)
2. ZijianWang, Zuo Zhang, and Yaoru Sun. "Different Neural Information Flows Affected by Activity Patterns for Action and Verb Generation." Frontiers in Psychology 13 (2022): 802756-802756. (SSCI 1区)
3. Zijian Wang, Yaqin Zhu, Haibo Shi, Yanting Zhang, Cairong Yan. A 3D multiscale view convolutional neural network with attention for mental disease diagnosis on MRI images. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(5): 6978-3994. (SCI/SSCI)
4. Zijian Wang, Lei Cao, Zuo Zhang, Xiaoliang Gong, Yaoru Sun, and Haoran Wang. "Short time Fourier transformation and deep neural networks for motor imagery brain computer interface recognition." Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30, no. 23 (2018): e4413.(SCI, CCF C)
5. Zijian Wang, Fei Liu, Yaoru Sun, Jie Li, Fang Wang, Zheng Lu. The role of the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex in the neural routes to action. Computer Assisted Surgery, 2019, 24(sup1): 113-120. (SCI)
6. Shao, Yongjia&, Zijian Wang&, Bin Ji, Hang Qi, Shangci Hao, Gang Li, Yue Zhang, and Qian Xi. "Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study of Olfactory Identification Deficit in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment." Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13 (2021). (SCI 2区)
7. Zijian Wang, Yaoru Sun, Qianzi Shen, Lei Cao. Dilated 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Brain MRI Data Classification. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 134388-134398. (SCI 2区)
8. Zijian Wang, Qian Xi, Hong Zhang, Yalin Song, and Shiqi Cao. 2022. "Different Neural Activities for Actions and Language within the Shared Brain Regions: Evidence from Action and Verb Generation" Behavioral Sciences 12, no. 7: 243. (SSCI)
9. Zijian Wang, Zuo Zhang, Fang Wang, and Yaoru Sun. Vision-based hand gesture interaction using particle filter, principle component analysis and transition network. Journal of Information & Computational Science. 2014, 11(4): 1037-1045.(EI期刊)
10. Yanting Zhang, Jingru Shi, Qingxiang Wang, Zijian Wang*, and Cairong Yan*, An Exploration of Moving Robot Localization Assisted with a Static Monocular Camera, IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC), Beijing, China, 2021.11.17-2021.11.19. (EI会议)
11. Hong Zhang, Yaoru Sun, Jie Li, Fang Wang, Zijian Wang. Covert verb reading contributes to signal classification of motor imagery in BCI. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, 26(1): 45-50. (SCI 2区)
12. Wang, Haoran, Yaoru Sun, Fang Wang, Lei Cao, Wei Zhou, Zijian Wang, and Shiyi Chen. "Cross-Subject Assistance: Inter-and Intra-Subject Maximal Correlation for Enhancing the Performance of SSVEP-Based BCIs." IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29 (2021): 517-526. (SCI 2区)
13. Yanting Zhang*, Zijian Wang, Ruoning Song, Cairong Yan, and Yonggang Qi, Detection-by-Tracking of Traffic Signs in Videos, Applied Intelligence, 2021. (SCI 3区)
14. Chunjiang Fan, Zijian Wang, Gang Li, Jian Luo, Yang Cao, Zhenyu Hu, Haoran Wang, Lei Cao. A Novel 3D U-net Deep Network with Paralleling Structure for Stroke Lesion Image Segmentation, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2020, 10(3): 724-730. (SCI 4区)
15. Zhang, Zuo, Yaoru Sun, and Zijian Wang. "Representation of action semantics in the motor cortex and Broca’s area." Brain and language 179 (2018): 33-41. (SCI 4区)
16. Lei Cao, Tianyu Liu, Lusong Hou, Zijian Wang, Chunjiang Fan, Jie Li, Haoran Wang. A Novel Real-Time Multi-Phase BCI Speller Based on Sliding Control Paradigm of SSVEP. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 133974-133981. (SCI 4区)
17. Lei Cao, Chunjiang Fan, Zijian Wang, Lusong Hou, Haoran Wang, and Gang Li. Alertness-based subject-dependent and subject-independent filter optimization for improving classification efficiency of SSVEP detection. Technology and Health Care, 2020, 28(S1): 173-180. (SCI 4区)
18. Yan Cairong, Shuai Liu, Yanting Zhang, Zijian Wang, and Pengwei Wang. "A Multi-Task Learning Approach for Recommendation based on Knowledge Graph." In 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2021. (CCF C 会议)
19. Yan Cairong, Yiwei Wang, Yanting Zhang, Zijian Wang, and Pengwei Wang. "Modeling Long-and Short-Term User Behaviors for Sequential Recommendation with Deep Neural Networks." In 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2021. (CCF C 会议)
20. Yan, Cairong, Haixia Han, Zijian Wang, and Yanting Zhang. "Two-Phase Multi-armed Bandit for Online Recommendation." In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2021. (CCF C 会议)
21. Yan, Cairong, Anan Ding, Yanting Zhang, and Zijian Wang, . "Learn Fashion Similarity Based on Hierarchical Attribute Embedding." In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2021. (CCF C 会议)
22. Song Yalin, Yaoru Sun, Zijian Wang, Hong Zhang et al. "Classification of Single Trial EEG During Automatic Correction of Finger Movement." Journal of Software Engineering 11 (2017): 54-59.(EI期刊)
23. Shen Qianzi, Zijian Wang, and Yaoru Sun. "Sentiment analysis of movie reviews based on cnn-blstm." International Conference on Intelligence Science. Springer, Cham, 2017.(EI会议)
1. 中央高校自由探索基金项目,基于语义理解神经机制及脉冲神经网络的类脑计算模型研究,2232021D-26,2021/01-2023/12,主持。
2. 东华大学青年教师科研启动基金项目,基于脉冲神经网络的语义理解模型研究,2021/01-2021/12,主持。
3. 上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”医学创新研究专项,20Y11911700,基于机器学习的多模态MRI新技术在MCI早期诊断及其向AD转化中的应用价值研究,2020/12-2023/11,参与。
4. 国家重点研发计划项目,城镇建筑垃圾智能精细分选与升级利用技术,2019YFC1906200,建筑垃圾人工智能精细分选技术和成套装备研发与工程示范,2020/01-2022/12,参与。
5. 国家重点研发计划重大慢性非传染性疾病防控研究专项, 2016YFC1306805,精神分裂症生物学标记预警模型建立以及在多级风险布控体系中的应用,2016/09-2020/12,参与。
6. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,91748122,基于身体归属脑机制的人机共融轮椅机器人行为意图实时准确认知与人机协同研究,2018.01-2020.12,参与。
联系方式: wang.zijian@dhu.edu.cn
Zijian Wang
Male, Lecturer
Personal Profile:
Master's degree supervisor. Studied at Tongji University for my undergraduate degree and then studied directly for my PhD at this university, which I received in 2020. Conducts scientific research in the direction of brain-like intelligence, brain-like cross-field applications. Have published more than 20 papers in high level journals and conferences at home and abroad. The results have been published in IJIS, IEEE Trans and other important international journals. Presided over one project for special funds from the central universities, and participated in many major projects including the National Key Research and Development Program, National Science and Technology Support Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Research Program Incubation Project, and National Natural Science Foundation of China Surface Project. Is a guest editor of the SCI journal Journal of Integrative Neuroscience and a member of CAAI. We have multi-level and in-depth cooperation with many institutions such as Naval Engineering University, 301 Hospital, Shanghai Oriental Hospital, Tianyuan Dike Research Institute and Bank of Communications of China. Students interested in pursuing a Master's degree are welcome to contact me.
Main research interests:
Brain-like intelligence, Machine learning
Courses taught:
Machine Learning, Big Data
Main thesis findings:
Zijian Wang, Haibo Shi, Yanting Zhang, and Cairong Yan. Recurrent Spiking Neural Network with Dynamic Presynaptic Currents Based on Backpropagation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. DOI:10.1002/int.22772 (SCI 1区)
ZijianWang, Zuo Zhang, and Yaoru Sun. "Different Neural Information Flows Affected by Activity Patterns for Action and Verb Generation." Frontiers in Psychology 13 (2022): 802756-802756. (SSCI 1区)
3. Zijian Wang, Yaqin Zhu, Haibo Shi, Yanting Zhang, Cairong Yan. A 3D multiscale view convolutional neural network with attention for mental disease diagnosis on MRI images. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(5): 6978-3994. (SCI/SSCI)
4. Zijian Wang, Lei Cao, Zuo Zhang, Xiaoliang Gong, Yaoru Sun, and Haoran Wang. "Short time Fourier transformation and deep neural networks for motor imagery brain computer interface recognition." Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30, no. 23 (2018): e4413.(SCI, CCF C)
5. Zijian Wang, Fei Liu, Yaoru Sun, Jie Li, Fang Wang, Zheng Lu. The role of the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex in the neural routes to action. Computer Assisted Surgery, 2019, 24(sup1): 113-120. (SCI)
6. Shao, Yongjia&, Zijian Wang&, Bin Ji, Hang Qi, Shangci Hao, Gang Li, Yue Zhang, and Qian Xi. "Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study of Olfactory Identification Deficit in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment." Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13 (2021). (SCI 2区)
7. Zijian Wang, Yaoru Sun, Qianzi Shen, Lei Cao. Dilated 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Brain MRI Data Classification. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 134388-134398. (SCI 2区)
8. Zijian Wang, Qian Xi, Hong Zhang, Yalin Song, and Shiqi Cao. 2022. "Different Neural Activities for Actions and Language within the Shared Brain Regions: Evidence from Action and Verb Generation" Behavioral Sciences 12, no. 7: 243. (SSCI)
9. Zijian Wang, Zuo Zhang, Fang Wang, and Yaoru Sun. Vision-based hand gesture interaction using particle filter, principle component analysis and transition network. Journal of Information & Computational Science. 2014, 11(4): 1037-1045.(EI期刊)
10. Yanting Zhang, Jingru Shi, Qingxiang Wang, Zijian Wang*, and Cairong Yan*, An Exploration of Moving Robot Localization Assisted with a Static Monocular Camera, IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC), Beijing, China, 2021.11.17-2021.11.19. (EI会议)
11. Hong Zhang, Yaoru Sun, Jie Li, Fang Wang, Zijian Wang. Covert verb reading contributes to signal classification of motor imagery in BCI. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, 26(1): 45-50. (SCI 2区)
12. Wang, Haoran, Yaoru Sun, Fang Wang, Lei Cao, Wei Zhou, Zijian Wang, and Shiyi Chen. "Cross-Subject Assistance: Inter-and Intra-Subject Maximal Correlation for Enhancing the Performance of SSVEP-Based BCIs." IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29 (2021): 517-526. (SCI 2区)
13. Yanting Zhang*, Zijian Wang, Ruoning Song, Cairong Yan, and Yonggang Qi, Detection-by-Tracking of Traffic Signs in Videos, Applied Intelligence, 2021. (SCI 3区)
14. Chunjiang Fan, Zijian Wang, Gang Li, Jian Luo, Yang Cao, Zhenyu Hu, Haoran Wang, Lei Cao. A Novel 3D U-net Deep Network with Paralleling Structure for Stroke Lesion Image Segmentation, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2020, 10(3): 724-730. (SCI 4区)
15. Zhang, Zuo, Yaoru Sun, and Zijian Wang. "Representation of action semantics in the motor cortex and Broca’s area." Brain and language 179 (2018): 33-41. (SCI 4区)
16. Lei Cao, Tianyu Liu, Lusong Hou, Zijian Wang, Chunjiang Fan, Jie Li, Haoran Wang. A Novel Real-Time Multi-Phase BCI Speller Based on Sliding Control Paradigm of SSVEP. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 133974-133981. (SCI 4区)
17. Lei Cao, Chunjiang Fan, Zijian Wang, Lusong Hou, Haoran Wang, and Gang Li. Alertness-based subject-dependent and subject-independent filter optimization for improving classification efficiency of SSVEP detection. Technology and Health Care, 2020, 28(S1): 173-180. (SCI 4区)
18. Yan Cairong, Shuai Liu, Yanting Zhang, Zijian Wang, and Pengwei Wang. "A Multi-Task Learning Approach for Recommendation based on Knowledge Graph." In 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2021. (CCF C 会议)
19. Yan Cairong, Yiwei Wang, Yanting Zhang, Zijian Wang, and Pengwei Wang. "Modeling Long-and Short-Term User Behaviors for Sequential Recommendation with Deep Neural Networks." In 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2021. (CCF C 会议)
20. Yan, Cairong, Haixia Han, Zijian Wang, and Yanting Zhang. "Two-Phase Multi-armed Bandit for Online Recommendation." In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2021. (CCF C 会议)
21. Yan, Cairong, Anan Ding, Yanting Zhang, and Zijian Wang, . "Learn Fashion Similarity Based on Hierarchical Attribute Embedding." In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2021. (CCF C 会议)
22. Song Yalin, Yaoru Sun, Zijian Wang, Hong Zhang et al. "Classification of Single Trial EEG During Automatic Correction of Finger Movement." Journal of Software Engineering 11 (2017): 54-59.(EI期刊)
23. Shen Qianzi, Zijian Wang, and Yaoru Sun. "Sentiment analysis of movie reviews based on cnn-blstm." International Conference on Intelligence Science. Springer, Cham, 2017.(EI会议)
Scientific research projects:
1. Central University Free Exploration Fund Project, Research on Brain-like Computational Models Based on Neural Mechanisms of Semantic Understanding and Impulsive Neural Networks, 2232021D-26, 2021/01-2023/12, host。
2. Donghua University Young Teachers' Research Start-up Fund Project, Research on Semantic Understanding Model based on Impulse Neural Network, 2021/01-2021/12,host.
3. Shanghai Science and Technology Commission "Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan" medical innovation research special project,20Y11911700,A study on the value of a new multimodal MRI technique based on machine learning for the early diagnosis of MCI and its conversion to AD, 2020/12-2023/11, participate in.
4. National Key R&D Programme Project, Intelligent Fine Sorting and Upgrading Technology for Urban Construction Waste, 2019YFC1906200, Research, development and engineering demonstration of artificial intelligent fine sorting technology and complete sets of equipment for construction waste, 2020/01-2022/12, participate in.
5. National Key Research and Development Program for Prevention and Control of Major Chronic Non-communicable Diseases, 2016YFC1306805, Development of an early warning model for biological markers of schizophrenia and its application in a multi-level risk mapping system,2016/09-2020/12.
6.The National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Research Program Incubation Project, 91748122, Research on real-time accurate cognition of behavioral intentions and human-machine collaboration in human-machine co-integrated wheelchair robots based on body-attributable brain mechanisms, 2018.01-2020.12, participate in.
Contact details: wang.zijian@dhu.edu.cn