企业横向技术研发项目 数据库及服务器监控web系统模块设计 2019年 主持
上海市松江区科学技术委员会项目 向G60科创走廊企业人工智能人才产学研创新培养机制研究 2018年 主持
企业横向技术研发项目 基于深度学习的电子病历特征抽取算法模块设计 2018年 主持
上海市松江区科学技术委员会科普项目 神奇的医疗大数据分析—能预知未来健康的千里眼 2017年主持
国家自然科学基金委员会 基于单应计算的视觉平面几何表示与认知研究 2017年 参与
Xu, S. Shaoyu Wang. Ye, J. Fan, X. Shi and X. Xia, "Ca-Mt: A Self-Ensembling Model for Semi-Supervised Cardiac Segmentation with Elliptical Descriptor Based Contour-Aware," 2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2022
Shaoyu Wang, Yun Hu, Anyi Zhu, Shaopin Ye, Yanxia Qin, Xiujin Shi. Residual Network with Enhanced Positional Attention and Global Prior for Clothing Parsing. Journal of Donghua University(English Edition). May 2022
J. Fan, Shaoyu Wang, X. Ma, A. Xu, S. Ye and X. Shi, "Clothing Parsing Based on Context Prior and Flow Alignment Pyramid," 2022 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA), 2022, pp. 439-444
S. Ye, Shaoyu Wang, J. Fan, A. Xu, X. Ma and X. Shi, "Dual Context Based Network for Clothing Parsing," 2022 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA), 2022, pp. 453-457
A. Xu, Shaoyu Wang, J. Fan, X. Shi and Q. Chen, "Dual Attention Based Uncertainty-aware Mean Teacher Model for Semi-supervised Cardiac Image Segmentation," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC), 2021, pp. 82-86
Y. Zhu, Shaoyu Wang, Y. Hu, X. Ma, Y. Qin and J. Xie, "DRM-VAE: A Dual Residual Multi Variational Auto-Encoder for Brain Tumor Segmentation with Missing Modalities," 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE), 2021, pp. 82-86
Y. Zhu, Shaoyu Wang, R. Lin, Y. Hu and Q. Chen, "Brain Tumor Segmentation for Missing Modalities by Supplementing Missing Features," 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA), 2021, pp. 652-656
Runlong Lin,Shaoyu Wang, Qiang Chen,Zhengwei Cai, Yian Zhu, Yun hu, Combining K-Means Attention and Hierarchical Mimicking Strategy for 3D U-net based Brain Tumor Segmentation, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Software Engineering ,March 19, 2021
Shaoyu Wang;Yi, Lirong;Chen, Qiang;Meng,Zhaoxin;Dong,Huawei;He,Zhi. Edge-aware Fully Convolutional Network with CRF-RNN Layer for Hippocampus Segmentation ,Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference, p 803-806, May 2019
Wenting Shu, Shaoyu Wang; Qaing Chen,Yun Hu, etc. Pathological image classification of breast cancer based on residual network and focal loss. Proceedings of 2019 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, p 211-214, December 6, 2019,
陶君,王绍宇,智能跑步机项目迭代进度计划探析,《中国管理信息化》,p 97-99,2019,22(19)
Shaoyu Wang, Minjeong Kim, Guorong Wu, Dinggang Shen, Scalable High Performance Image Registration Framework by Unsupervised Deep Feature Representations Learning. 《Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis》, p 245-269. January 30, 2017.
Shaoyu Wang, Xiaoling Xia, Zhidong Qing, Hongya Wang, Jiajing Le. Aging Face Identification Using Biologically Inspired Features,2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2013
王绍宇,夏小玲, 乐嘉锦,“智慧医疗”国家级工程实践教育中心建设实践,《计算机教育》23,p112-116,2013
Shaoyu Wang, Yongfeng Huang, Zhidong Qin, Xiaoyong Liao, Youjun.Luo. Minimum description length Shape Model based on bio-inspired features, ICACTE 2010, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 5, 565-568, 2010
王绍宇,戚飞虎,夏小玲,基于MDL Shape Model及EFD的行人轮廓2D+time表示, 《中国图象图形学报》,13, 1898~1901, 2008
Shaoyu Wang, Feihu Qi,Huaqing Li. Add Cartesian Differential Invariants to Minimum Description Length Shape Models, 9th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (Japan) 2005
Shaoyu Wang, Feihu Qi. Compute Aided Diagnosis of Facial Paralysis Based on Pface, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Vol 7, 4353-4356,2005
Shaoyu Wang,Huaqing Li, Feihu Qi. Objective facial paralysis grading based on Pface and eigenflow, 《Medical & Biological Engineering& Computing》, 42, 598-603, 2004
王绍宇, 杨松绍,廖小勇等,"基于椭圆傅立叶分解的行人时空轮廓表示方法"专利号:CN 101799865 B, 已授权,授权日:April 18, 2012
王绍宇, 杨松绍,廖小勇等,"一种婴幼儿主动跟踪监护的方法及其实现系统”专利号:CN 101195400 B, 已授权,授权日:March 27, 2013
Email: sywang@dhu.edu.cn
Name: Shaoyu Wang
Shaoyu Wang received his Ph.D in computer sicence from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006. From 2008 to 2010, he was engaged in post-doctoral research in Shanghai Fudan Holding Hualong Microsystme Technology Co., LTD. From 2016 to 2017, Visiting Scholar in the Biomedical Research Imaging Center and the Department of Radiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill).
Research Areas:
My research interest has been mainly in the application of image processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence in clothing image and medical image.
Main Courses Taught:
Computer Image Processing, fundamentals of multimedial
Room 107 at 1st college building